St Rita’s believes that the development of a child’s physical skills is critical to his or her growth and learning. Our Physical Education program aims to develop motor skills, coordination and fitness in children in all year levels. St Rita’s has implemented a program of explicit P.E. lessons taught in line with the new Australian Curriculum in Physical Education. Further, children in the Prep/Year 1 and Year 2/3 classes also participate in a Perceptual Motor Program twice weekly. Including a qualified P.E. teacher who has weekly lessons, St Rita’s is fortunate to have two accredited athletics coaches, a netball coach and a qualified swimming instructor on staff.
Whole school sporting events are one of the highlights of our school calendar each year. The students enjoy inter-house cross country, athletics and swimming carnivals which see all children from Prep through to Year 6 participate in these events. The two sports houses of Dalrymple and Palmerston are ably led by Captains Nick Stone and Cooper Luce.
As a member of the local Combined Schools sports district, St Rita’s teachers train students who are between 9 and 12 years to participate in the Combined Schools cross country and athletics carnivals. Opportunity to be selected in the Combined Schools teams to compete at the Mulgrave Sports District, allows those children who are high achievers in these sports to participate at a higher level. We are proud of our sporting achievements at St Rita’s!