When St Rita’s School, Babinda was founded by the Sisters of Mercy in 1926, the school was dedicated to St Rita of Cascia, Italy by the Augustinian Fathers who pioneered the faith in this area.
St Rita’s school emblem incorporates a rose, a book and the Mercy crosses. The rose is thought to represent God’s love for Rita and Rita’s ability to intercede on behalf of lost or impossible cases. Rita is often depicted holding roses or with roses nearby. On her feast day (March 22), churches and shrines of St Rita provide roses to the congregation blessed by priests during Mass.
The book signifies the academic excellence that the students strive for to become lifelong learners.
The Mercy crosses signify both the religious aspect of the school and also honour the years of dedicated service the Sisters of Mercy have given to the St Rita’s community.
St Rita’s motto ‘Under God’s Protection’ represents God’s protection and guidance which we ask for as we each strive to fulfil our individual promise.